The immunity System defines the resistance of the human body against any kind of bacteria and viruses, this system helps us to cure diseases in a simple term they are the solders our of body and to keep them healthy and strong to keep protecting ourselves from harmful bacteria and viruses we need to take care of our immunity system by means of our diet and exercises.
Today I am going to share with you, the knowledge from ancient Ayurveda and from current, herbology researches bring you the top 10 immunity-boosting plants which will keep your immunity system strong and running – please leave your comment and share –
Neem for Immunity Boosting
The neem tree is well known for its many benefits and has been used by Indian people for the decay as toothbrush, neem leaves for bathing, and treating fungal infections…etc properties like Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, and Anti-fungal help in fidgeting forging viruses, pop up a neem capsule in a glass of warm water and drink to detoxify your blood and to boost your immunity, withstand the bitterness for few seconds and lead a healthy life for years seems like the most profitable bargain.
Tulsi (Holy basil) for Immunity Boosting
The same goes for Tulsi as neem, a few decades back it was difficult to find a garden in India without a neem tree and a house in India without Tulsi (Holy basil) plant, Tulsi considered as a germicide which means it got the capability of finding forging germs, bacteria, and viruses like cold, flu and even COVID – 19, upon entering in your body and activate your immune system to fight it, simply chew few leaves of basil first thing in the morning every single day make it a habit during this global pandemic.
Moringa (drum stick) for Immunity Boosting
Moringa (drum stick) is a magical tree which contains medical benefits starting from roots to stems to leaves to fruit, in most part of the world leaving the steam of the Moringa tree, the rest of the parts like the leaves, fruit, and roots are consumed, in tribal parts of Africa where medicinal benefits are very limited most of the diseases and infections are treated using Moringa plant, it contains Anti-inflammation properties which help in fighting chronic condition like diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
Coming to COVID – 19 during this pandemic, consuming Moringa Fruit (drum stick) weekly thrice will boost your immunity system as it contains 9 times more Vitamin C when compared to an Orange, vitamin C is the vital nutrition which our body needs to build a strong immunity system.
Triphala for Immunity Boosting
Triphala is not one single plant but it is available in a powdered form which is a combination of three fruits hence called Triphala they are
- Amalaki also is known as Indian gooseberry and scientifically known as Phyllanthus Emblica.
- Bibhitaki also is known as Bedda Nuts and scientifically known as Terminalia bellirica.
- Haritaki also is known as Indian Hog Plum and scientifically known as Terminalia chebula.
The combination of these three fruits is called Triphala and has been used for centuries in India to treat inflammation, infection, stomach problems, pneumonia, and cancer. It contains healing properties like antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammation, and detoxifier.
During this COVID – 19, pandemic Triphala powder has been suggested by many ayurvedic experts to be consumed on daily bases to prevent yourself from corona infection, it seems like changing our unhealthy and junk food-loving lifestyle is the only way to overcome this pandemic and bring in a global personality transformation of every Hume being.
Ashwagandha for Immunity Boosting
Ashwagandha also is known as Indian Ginseng and scientifically known as Withania somnifera, it is well known for its Adaptogen property which helps in reducing once the stress level, High-stress level lead to obesity which result increase body fat a welcoming carpet to all future problems like diabetes, low blood pressure, indigestion, and cardiac arrest.
During this COVID – 19, pandemic Ashwagandha powder will help you to reduce your stress level which in turn improves Immunity level in your body.
Ginger for Immunity Boosting
Ginger is the most commonly used herb by Indian people to treat common cold and flu, it is the best medicine for your respiratory problems, COVID – 19 virus mainly effects your respiratory system i.e, your lungs, in case of corona infection keeping your lungs strong is the topmost priority as the major cause of death during corona infection is due to declining breath level, so consuming warm ginger water and exercising your lungs with Yoga like Anulom Vilome will keep your lung functioning and helps you keep fighting COVID – 19 virus.
Garlic for Immunity Boosting
Garlic contains allicin a compound which acts like a germicide which finds the foreign virus and bacteria upon entering your body and activates your immunity system and also strengthens your immunity system, a rise in blood presses can be immediately controlled by consuming garlic keeping in mind consume garlic raw or half-cooked i.e to boil it and do not fry it.
Black cumin for Immunity Boosting
Black cumin helps in controlling heart-related problems like Cholesterol, inflammation, lowers high blood pressure, and control body glucose level, it helps with many other health-related problems like infection, diabetes, neurological condition, and pain.
Black cumin seed and oil extract act as antioxidants that remove free radicals which weakens your immunity system and a healthy immunity the more chance of getting a cure from COVID – 19 virus.
Turmeric (Haldi) for Immunity Boosting
A super effective medicinal herb which is super common to be found in our kitchen and yet we are unaware of it benefits and mostly use it gives color to our dishes, it’s like using a computer only for a calculator.
Turmeric is one of the most popular medicinal herbs due to the high content curcumin in it, which is scientifically proven to fight dreadful disease like cancer, curcumin is a power anti-inflammatory agent which prevents pathogens to take over your body and infect you so badly that it results in organ failure, turmeric anti-inflammation property can match that to a drug but without any side effect so we have a clear option here for inflammation-related diseases.
During the COVID – 19 pandemic consuming a warm glass of milk with a spoon full of home grounded turmeric powder is the best practice to be safe and strong.
Giloy for Immunity Boosting
Giloy scientifically known as Tinospora Cordifolia belongs to the vine plant family and is considered as the medicine for immortality in India due to its wide range of health beneficial properties.
Giloy is rich in antioxidants which fights free radicals, it purifies your blood, removes all toxins, keeps you healthy, used in the treatment of cornice fever, improves digestion, used in the treatment of diabetes, reduces stress, helps to strengthen the respiratory system and the list goes on.
During COVID – 19 pandemic Indian ayurvedic researchers suggested consuming giloy on daily basis to improve your immunity system and to strengthen your lungs, govt of India planted giloy at road site for ease of availability of this magnificent herbal plant.