Top 5 Home remedy for Common Cold and Flu this winter

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Winter is approaching from the month of October to December hospitals observe a rapid increase of cases of common cold and flu elegiacally in India, but we can prepare of kitchen and home garden with fresh herbal plants to fight back this diseases easily using the all-natural method as even suggested by many doctors to, not to take medicine for every small problem 

Today Medical plant news (MPN) will prepare you to improve your immunity by sharing herbal tea formula and many another home ready to prevent and cure the common cold and spread of flu viruses  

1 Herbal Tea for the common cold

This herbal tea formula not only cures a common cold but also drinking it every day during the months of October to December will prevent your from catching cold and flu viruses, we shall start gathering our ingredients now  

  1. 1-inch piece of Ginger 
  2. Two to three young leaf of Tulsi (Holy Basil) 
  3. A Teaspoon of Honey 

 Boil all these ingredients in water until 1/3rd part is left and the drink it, keeping note though we call it a Hebel Tea please don’t use actual tea powder, it will rune its effectiveness.         Make this Hebel Tea your daily go-to option in winter and never let the cold and flu virus caught you. 

2 Mint (Pudina) for sore throat

Sore throat is a discomfort everyone hates and it is a common problem during flu season, to give rapid relief to your soring through quickly pluck some of the Mint leaves and boil it till you start to smell the fragrance of mint leaves and then let the water to cool down a little and then drink it, repeat this process thrice a day and cure sore throat naturally 

3 Ginger and Black pepper decoction tea

This herbal medicine is for all those people who love their tea more than anything, using this tea recipe not only you will enjoy your flavor of tea but also you will be able to improve your immunity against cold and flu viruses during this winter season, so note down the recipes and start cooking. 

  1. 1-inch piece of ginger 
  2. A teaspoon of black pepper 
  3. A teaspoon of sugar and can be replaced with honey 
  4. A teaspoon of your favorite Tea powder 

 Smash the ginger to small shreds and pound black pepper to a coarse powder and follow your standard procedure of preparing Tea and say goodbye to milk till flu season ends, and drink this ginger and black pepper decoction tea to enjoy both good health and well tasting. 

4 Turmeric the best natural antibiotics

Turmeric for Weight loss

Turmeric is the goto medicine for cuts and wounds for all Indian Moms, scientifically Curcumin in turmeric contains  “antibiotic”, “anti-inflammatory”, and “antimicrobial” properties which cures a wide range of diseases, and today we are going to learn the world-famous cure for cold and fever  Milk and Turmeric (dud aur haldi), take a glass of warm milk if possible fresh cow milk, not the one sold in packets and in bottles pour one spoon of turmeric (haldi) powder again not the packed one sold in stores, mix it well and give to your chile every night a simple solution to pass the flue season easily. 

5 Lemon Grass to keep Mosquito away

Well, October to December is not only famous for flu season but also the time when we see rapid growth in the Mosquito population most in India, and this is the time when doctors report an increase in malaria and dengue patients, though almost all Indian household depends on chemical mosquito repellent when we have natural mosquito repellent in nature called “Lemon Grass”. 

 Simply plant lemongrass in flower pots bot only it looks attractive but also keeps mosquito away from your home, place them at your window and in front of your door for effective results   

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